Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Uncovering the Facts Behind Breakfast

Maybe not many people realize it but the breakfast was one of the secrets to staying healthy. Breakfast means breaking the fast after the evening we do not eat. Therefore, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Unfortunately, breakfast is often overlooked by many people. Often times we neglect breakfast or eat breakfast, either because of busy, chasing time, and has become a habit that person to ignore breakfast. In fact breakfast is essential before we do the activity. Breakfast provides energy to move capital throughout the day. Actually, in addition to energize the body, breakfast also has other benefits that are not less important. Did you know, what are the benefits of breakfast? And what a result if we ignore the breakfast? Breakfast is not necessarily with a special menu, but a simple menu that can also generate a lot of energy to our brain, in this discussion, we will also discuss about what the menu that can complement our breakfast.

Come let's see ... ...

Breakfast or breakfast is the food eaten in the morning. When breakfast starts at 06:00 AM until 10:00 AM. Breakfast is the most important meal and is highly recommended to be met, for health reasons.
Breakfast or eating breakfast gives your metabolism strength after a long night. Breakfast is considered an important meal because it breaks the overnight and replenishes your supply of glucose.

Sugar is a source of energy that is absorbed from the carbohydrates you eat. In the morning, after you do not consume food for 12 hours, the sugars in your body down to the level of the lowest. When this happens, your body replace it with the release of sugars that have been piled in layers of muscle and liver, called glycogen.

The benefits of breakfast or breakfast

1. Giving Strength metabolism from the overnight
Breakfast is considered an important meal because it breaks the overnight and replenishes your supply of glucose.
2. Useful For Weight Loss
During sleep your body 12 hours of fasting all night, and in the morning you are in the first phase was hungry. Skipping breakfast keeps your body in 'starvation' mode, while eating a good meal will give your metabolism a boost. If you're trying to lose weight, the last thing you want to do is lower metabolic rate. Healthy breakfast food will enhance the ability of fat burning in your body. Furthermore, breakfast can increase your energy level as metabolism throughout the day.

3. Adding essential nutrients and overall energy levels
Breakfast provides a significant proportion of total nutrient intake throughout the day, and offers the opportunity to eat foods fortified with nutrients such as iron, vitamins and fiber. Essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can only be obtained from food.
4. Give You Brain fuel To Enhance Concentration
Eating breakfast improves your thinking ability and keeps you at top mental performance. Breakfast provides fuel for your brain to improve the ability in problem solving and memory.

5. Avoiding Eating Uncontrolled
Breakfast with the good will keep you from excessive hunger, which can prevent you from overeating during the day. Food consumed at breakfast to hold fat and high calorie foods throughout the day. If you skip breakfast, you will tend to divert hunger by snacking Within the morning until late lunch. And this will encourage you to find another flight to coffee, or drinks that can boost energy.
6. Giving Energy to the Brain
Only drink sweet tea or eat a few pieces of biscuits until lunch time is not a breakfast. Because you are not getting enough energy for the brain. Eat properly with enough energy to start your day. Benefits of breakfast is to improve the ability of the brain, keeping the body stay slim, and enhance the spirit or our mood.
7. Increase Vitamin Intake
Fresh fruit juice is breakfast the most recommended because it contains vitamins and minerals that nourish. Natural fruit juice can increase blood sugar levels after a long night we did not eat. After that, it could proceed with eating cereal or bread. Menu options can be a bread and eggs, porridge, milk and cornflakes, noodles, pasta and others.
8. Improve Memory
Recent research has shown that sleep all night making our brains hunger. If we do not get enough glucose at breakfast, then the brain function or memory can be disrupted.
9. Strengthening Families Association in

Breakfast with the family means to bring the family for discussion a lot of things together. Research shows that families that sit together at breakfast would be emotionally closer to each other than a family whose members each hurried to the office or to school. And for the couple also could be like this.

10. Increase Endurance Against Stress

A study in a multinational company revealed that employees who skip breakfast were more prone to depression. Conversely, those who had breakfast felt more satisfied and showed high enthusiasm to the job. The study also revealed that employees of the breakfast will get more intake of vitamins A, D, E, iron, and calcium compared with those without breakfast.

Food substances is needed and their sources

1. Carbohydrate
Carbohydrates The main source of calories for humans. Carbohydrates or starches are organic compounds in the wake ole elements carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O).
The function of carbohydrates for the body
1) Generate energy
2) Backup power for the body
3) To provide a sense of satiety
4) Helps calcium pnyrapan
5) Assisting the process of food digestion
Carbohydrates in Food Ingredients
Carbohydrates found in many vegetable foods, in the form of simple sugars, hexoses, pentoses, and carbohydrates with molecular weight complexes such as starch, pectin, cellulose, and lignin. Lots contained in sugarcane; in the water contained milk or milk sugar lactose. In starch, bread, syrup, and beer. While various polysaccharides such as starch contained in many fruits.
The main source of carbohydrates in foods are cereals and tubers. As the presence of starch content different in several groups serealia.Pada red meat also contain carbohydrates.
2. Protein
Protein is not a single substance but consists of several elements [carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N) and sometimes contains sulfur (S), and phosphorus (P)]-forming protein called amino acids. Protein is necessary for the body. Its main function as a builder substance is required in its infancy. In infancy to adolescence, the need for a greater percentage of protein than in adulthood and the elderly. In adulthood and elderly proteins needed to maintain body tissues and replace cells that have been damaged. The main function of protein for the body is to form new tissue and maintain the existing network.
Protein Function For Body
1) To build a network of cells of the human body
2) To replace the body's cells are damaged
3) Maintaining acid-base balance in body fluids
4) As a producer of energy
Because its function is very large, so if the body lacks protein will arise disease kwashiorkor.
Raw food source of protein
According to the protein source is divided into two, namely animal protein and vegetable protein. Animal protein is a protein derived from a variety of food from animals. This protein contains essential amino acids complete. While the vegetable protein is a protein derived from plants.
Food ingredients that contain lots of animal protein, such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, insect larvae, bees, insects such as grasshoppers, Laron, pupae, and others. Food ingredients that contain lots of vegetable protein, such as rice, beans, grains, coconut and vegetables. 
 3. Fat  
Fats are energy sources other than carbohydrates and protein. With the excess consumption of stored fat as energy reserves, so if someone is in the lack of calories, then fat is the first reserve to be used for energy after the protein.
Functions for Body Fat
1) Producing energy
2) Producing essential fatty acids
3) As a solvent vitamin
4) Give satiety
5) Protein Sparer
6) As a seaman vitamins A, D, E, and K

Fat in foods

Fats and oils found in almost all foodstuffs with different content. But the fats and oils often added intentionally to foodstuffs with various purposes.
In food processing, oil and fat to function as heat registers, such as cooking oil, shortening (white butter), fat (lard), butter, and margarin.Berbagai foodstuffs such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, avocados, peanuts, and some vegetables contain fat or oil that is usually eaten together with the material.
Animal fats contain many sterol-called cholesterol, while vegetable fats contain fitosterol.Lemak land animals such as milk fat, lard, beef fat. Marine animal fats such as whale oil, cod liver oil, fish oil is a liquid and is called Herring oil

4. Vitamin and Mineral
Vitamins are an organic substance as a food supplement that is needed for life, health, and growth. The term vitamine or vitamin was originally introduced by a Polish chemist named Funk. He believed that substance beri-beri disease antidotes are water soluble amine is a very vital, and the word is born the term vitamine and later a vitamin. Vitamins and minerals found in vegetables and fruits. When the body lacks vitamin deficiency will cause disease or avitaminosis.

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